Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On the Move

Whether it is in the pool or on the ground -Connor is definately on the move! He absolutely loves the pool and starts waving his hands as soon as he see's the water, He can touch the ground in the baby pool -making it a whole new world of freedom in his float. As for in the house-he is definately crawling, he kinda uses one foot and one knee, I think he can move faster that way! Babyproofing has begun!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jumping crazy

Connor's Favorite thing is his Jumpy seat - he could spend hours in it - He has not reached the weight limit although I am not so sure about the safety limit. I also included some photos of Brian and his dad and brother playing golf at the Honor's - they treated Doug for his birthday -they had beautiful weather and the pictures are gorgeous> and the picture of Connor and the Mowery boys over for dinner was too cute not to post! Lara had a much better picture than I did

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lazy Hazy Crazy Summer

July and August have been busy months soaking up the last of summer. Brian and I recently celebrated our 6 year anniversary - crazy! Connor is now a little over 8 months old, He has 2 teeth and is getting more I think (classic teething signs are strong) He is not crawling yet -but is extremely close, and moble nonetheless, I recently caught him going towards an outlet (we aren't quite babyproof yet) and grabbed his hand and told him No - he turned around and laughed at me only to do it again and see my reaction -I think I'm in trouble. He is also becoming more independant in feeding himself -making meal times much more fun, although we are still struggling a little with the sippy cup. He Loves Mickey Mouse and is so precious whenever the "hot dog" song comes on and he starts to dance. These last few weeks we have been swimming a lot -Connor loves the water, and have had several friends over for dinner. A group of my good friends from high school came over one night, the McDowell's and Waughs and their precious crazy kids who are shirtless due to the water gun fights, and the Addicks and Mowery's with their kids -unfortunately with 4 moving babies i did not get a great shot. We also spent a great morning with the McDowells at the fruit and berry patch picking lots of great fruit. It has been a great summer!