Saturday, October 16, 2010
What can I say - Life with 2 kids is kinda nonstop, and so yes I have neglected the blog! There is really too much to catch up on over the last few months, so instead of going into detail about swim lessons, potty training, a trip to the Highlands, my wonderful 30th birthday weekend at Blackberry farms (Brian Way outdid himself) An unforgettable week at Watercolor with my parents and Brothers that Connor can still not stop talking about, Pierce walking now running and celebrating his 1st birthday party backyard style at our house, and I am sure lots more I am forgetting I will post a few pics from this summer but mostly start from the now. We have been fully indulved into football season with UT having 4 home games in a row in september, mostly consuming our weekends, Brian and I did get to Athens last week (directly from Matthew Castles wedding in Nashville -Congrats to matthew and Jaymee) to watch the Dawgs embrassing victory -more importantly great time with some of the best friends we have -even if it was short and sweet. The boys both started preschool this fall and love it. Pierce grabs the top of the gate when we get to school to try to flip himself in, and heaven forbid I so up early to pick Connor up - he quietly tells me "we are not done Mom" and I am to wait outside. Pierce is blonde - full head of cottontop blonde -adorable but it is hard to claim him. He is also running, climbling and into everything -he definately sees himself as big as Connor and tries to mimic everything - If Connor has puppy on his head, so does pierce, if connor is riding his bike, pierce jumps on another riding toy -monkey see monkey do and double trouble. He has started little gym and loves it, He is starting to try to use words -Ball, Woof, are the 2 most recent, and just today he got his first haircut. Connor is at the wonderful age of unfiltered language - the other day I was trying to get him to hurry b/c we were late as usual and he looked at me and said "Honey, i told you i have to finish my puzzle" along with the language has been imagination - even though we are trying to give up naps we still have daily rest time - with the advancements of video monitors I have been able to wittness several surprise birthday parties, time outs, and races of his cars during "rest time". Connor is also on the birthday train with 4 parties in the next 2 weeks, and he is fully enticipating his upcoming number 3.
This weekend we have truly enbraced fall - Connor's playgroup had a halloween party friday morning, and this morning we ventured to the fruit and berry patch for tractor rides, pumpkin picking and corn mazes, following by haircuts -whew. Both kids are growing so fast and keeping us laughing daily.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Not sure how to post all that has happened in the last few months! Obviously life is crazy and I have had no free time, nonetheless it has been fun. May and early june was busy with traveling - since we have left town very little in the last year 3 trips back to back was a challenge. First Brian and I headed to Memphis to celebrate Will Hudson's wedding over the annual BBQ fest weekend - this is usually brians guys trip and I was prefectly fine keeping it that way until Will decided to get married - so we just pretended to be back in college for a few days and realized we are not and were exhausted by the time we left. The wedding was beautiful, outdoor perfect flower arbor setting and a relaxing reception, the BBQ fest was crazy - but fun to see the thousands and thousands that show up to compete, taste and see, still i think i will stay home next year.
The second trip was to Destin (pre oil)with the Welch's -so fun- both kids were a little afraid of the ocean at first but warmed up by the end of the week. The weather could not have been better, and we had a wonderful time with Carlene, Doug Megan Darren and of course my precious nephew Bradford -who is doing great and they have decided to postpone his surgery until next summer. Lastly we packed up the kids one last time to head to Hilton Head for a vacation with my entire family - 35 people came, and we had so mcuh fun -again great weather, and lots of helping hands for the kids -Both boys enjoyed the flat sand and calmer ocean -but they definately love the pool.
In between trips we have been seding a lot of time at the pool, having friends over to grill out, enjoying the beautiful nights and lightning bugs. and of course enjoying a wonderful fathers day with Brian.
The boys are growing like crazy - Connor is talking up a storm and so funny! and a smart cookie, knows his ABC's letter identification, counting to 20 and almost to 10 in spanish, mastered his colors, shapes and doing well with opposites. I will have to post some of his funny comments when they come to me. Pierce is everywhere! Crawling, climbing steps, pulling up and cruising furniture, he is clapping, babbling, waving bye bye, and giving high fives - and is just precious.
since it has been so long since my last post I will just include some of my favorite pics from the past few months!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Of course how can I forget also this month Brian completed his first Marathon!!!! In under 4 hours! Congratulations! He did awesome despite the horrible downpour, I also ran the 1/2 marathon and had several family members to complete also - congratulations to Natalie, Christy, Jody, Ryan and Lauren who completed the full marathon also and to my dad who did the 1/2!!!these are the only pictures I have!
We had a wonderful easter -spending the night before easter with my family -including my aunt, uncle and cousin from atlanta Tootie, Bill and Justin, it has been too long since we have seen them and spent a lot of time together and it was wonderful to catch up, After an exciting relaxing easter morning at our house with treats from the Easter Bunny and Church we spent Brunch with Brian's family at Maple Grove Inn -the weather was beautiful all weekend and the kids really enjoyed hunting eggs and all the festivities. We also got to celebrate with Connor's play group at Lara's house the week before!
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