Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Valentines!

Sorry this is a little late, but I had to post Connor in his adorable Valentine's outfit! He is continuing to grow -11.3 Lbs, and has found his thumb...goodbye paci the thumb is much better accepted. He also has had his first cold this week - keeping us close to home, but he is recovering well. Hope everyone is staying dry and warm!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Staying Busy

Connor is now almost 11 weeks old, is sleeping through the night, is "talking" all the time and rolled over for the first time yesturday! He has been staying busy this month with birthday parties - yes at 2 months old he has 4 this month! Happy Birthday to Emma & Jackson McDowell, Cousin Patton Watkins, Madison Riley and Ford Wagner! As for the rest of us, I recently quit my job to stay home with Connor at least until the Fall, I have started back to Junior League and am beginning to play tennis. Brian is very busy at work, Rotary President, Nucleus, and being a daddy and Bailey is adjusting to life with Connor and celebrating his third birthday this month! Thanks to wonderful grandparents we have been able to enjoy some adult time - below are some pictures at dinner before 9 O'clock Cotillion.