Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 31, 2008

2 months Old

Connor is already 2 months old and growing fast! He had his 2 month check up today (including shots -ouch!) and he is 10 pounds and 22 inches! He is sleeping through the night and eating well. January has been full of milestones -losing his umbilical cord, much more alert and focusing on toys, smiling and recognizing faces and voices and begining to hold his head up by himself!


Anonymous said...

He is growing up so fast! What a handsome little boy! I hope I get to see you all soon. Miss you!

HoweverAlthough said...

Oh he's adorable! I've been looking for new pics of him and was so glad to see these here today. Your mom whipped a photo album full of pics of him when I saw her the other day. So cute...They are so proud of him. As they should be. Kiss him for me!

The Diddles said...

What a cutie! It goes by so fast! It was great seeing yall at 9 O'Clock!